The Bureau Henry Stark Regional Office of Education provides a comprehensive program that addresses attendance issues in the three county area. The program focuses on prevention, intervention, and remediation services, as well as systematic change through integrated school improvement efforts.
The Bureau, Henry, Stark Regional Office of Education's TAOEP initiative collaborates with established community partnerships to provide access to vital resources, which link students with unmet needs to the community services designed to meet those needs, building upon personal responsibility, academic success, and life skills in order to prevent future truancy and dropping out of school.
Preventing students from developing attendance habits with an adverse effect on educational success is the initial strategy. Early identification in the progression of problematic attendance occurs through the process of referrals coming from school staff, parents, and social service agencies. Data gathering and assessment of students needs with invited parental involvement increases the potential for success. Parent education and support groups are also a possibility at this point in the intervention. Providing this type of intervention service to students and families needing additional assistance to develop and maintain acceptable attendance patterns is crucial.
Referred truants who are credit deficient may be given an opportunity to enroll in Edgenuity online courses in order to assist districts as they struggle to prevent dropouts and prepare students for post-secondary education and workforce readiness. Service coordination, including linkages to community resources and credit retrieval opportunities, expose students to a remediation process and activities that increase academic and life success.
Truancy Referral Form
Download documentQuarterly Truancy Report
Download documentDrop Report
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